Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF)
Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF)
A seamless and securely connected smart home environment is of utmost importance, especially in today’s world with millions of people confined to their living spaces. So many are adjusting to a new normal, as they work from home learn via remote education and access digital entertainment. As a result, the use of smart home appliances and devices has increased, leading ... [Read More...]
Smart Cities Connect Conference and Expo is moving online, October 27-29; so you can join us from your living room, poolside or the kitchen table whether you're in Austin or Adelaide, Miami or Madrid. Connect with more city leaders than ever before, and view content live or on demand - whenever it suits your schedule. We're offering the a best-in-class ... [Read More...]
Taking place on 4-5 November 2020, this is a virtual technology conference for the ambitious enterprise technology professional, seeking to explore the latest innovations, implementations and strategies to drive businesses forward. Consisting of live and on-demand sessions, don’t miss this opportunity to explore this innovative technology and its impact on a range of industries including, manufacturing, transport, supply chain, government, ... [Read More...]
Europe’s leading IoT conference & event series will become a fully virtual event for 2020. The free to attend online conference will take place on the 24-25th November 2020 and will cover two days of top-quality content and innovative thought leadership discussions encompassing the IoT ecosystem. Attendees will explore the latest innovations within the Internet of Things and covering the impact it has on many ... [Read More...]
OCF Members Meeting (Virtual). This is an OCF members-only Members Meeting. The various Work Groups and Steering Committees are scheduled to meet. Members should refer to the members-only website for event logistics.