About Open Connectivity Foundation
The Problem...
While some devices can communicate with others, no universal language existed for the Internet of Things. Device makers instead had to choose between disparate frameworks limiting their market share, or develop across multiple ecosystems, increasing their costs. The burden then falls on end users to determine whether the products they want are compatible with the ecosystem they bought into, or find ways to integrate their devices into their network and try to solve interoperability issues on their own.
In addition to the smart home point of view, IoT deployments in commercial environments are hampered by lack of security. This issue can be avoided by having a secure IoT communication framework.
These are the challenges that OCF is helping to address.
OCF's Vision:
To enable IoT devices and services to communicate through a trusted open internet protocol (IP) framework which dynamically aligns with baselines for IoT security and privacy regulations, offering peace of mind and enriched experiences.
OCF's Mission:
To collaborate with the IoT ecosystem to deploy and evolve the OCF ISO/IEC specifications, including the Secure IP Device Framework, its open-source reference implementation, and an industry-recognized certification program and label that:
- Enables secure end-to-end implementations that encompass device-to-device, device-to-cloud, and cloud-to-cloud;
- Aids secure deployments with rapid development and simple integrations with IP networks and non-IP systems;
- Fosters competition, facilitates productivity, and drives innovation;
- Demonstrates conformance and trustworthiness to the industry and users.
OCF Provides Manufacturers and Developers With:
- A framework for secure interoperability for multiple OSs, platforms, modes of communication, transports and use cases.
- OCF Bridging Specification for discovery and connectivity into other ecosystems.
- OCF Security Framework and identification mechanisms.
- Opportunity for innovation, product differentiation and faster time to market.
OCF Certified Products Provide End Users With:
- A choice of products that aren’t dependent on one particular brand to all work together.
- Products that just work, and security that is counted on.
- The ability to create a customized experience.
- An Internet of Things experience that improves everyday life.
Why Are We Doing This?
- We want to connect the next 25 billion devices for the Internet of Things.
- To provide secure and reliable device discovery and connectivity across multiple OSs and platforms.
- There are multiple proposals and forums driving different approaches...but no single solution addresses the majority of key requirements.
- To get industry consolidation around a common, interoperable approach.