

For the first time since inception, OCF will have its own booth in the public space at this year’s Mobile World Congress Feb. 22-25th in Barcelona.  OCF will be in the IoT Pavilion, space 8.0C35. Stay tuned for demo showcases and information regarding our network reception. Location: Barcelona

Mobile World Congress – Four Years from Now Event

Open Connectivity Foundation and IoTivity: Standards and Open-Source IoT Accelerator The Internet of Things (IoT) market today has many proprietary, siloed solutions that do not interoperate and as a result the market is very fragmented and moving slowly. The Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF), an alliance of multi-segment technology industry leaders, is defining a specification and certification program for devices to ... [Read More...]

HGI Symposium

Click here for additional details. OCF will showcase a AwoX demo at this event and OCF Board Member, Scott Lofgren will be speaking. Location: Venice

Bluetooth World

OCF is a sponsor of this event. GE Board Member, Greg Petroff will be a on a speaking panel at this year's Bluetooth World. Check back for additional details. Location: Levi Stadium, Santa Clara

OCF Spring 2016 Members Meeting & Non-Member Learning Session

Members-only Meetings (Tuesday - Friday) The Open Connectivity Foundation hosts members meetings throughout the year where the various Work Groups and Task Groups meet.  Participation in these meetings in limited to OCF members. Links to the registration site and detailed agenda can be found the members-only website here. Non-Member Learning Session (Tuesday 10am-2pm) The Open Connectivity Foundation (formerly known as ... [Read More...]