Archives: Events

Latest Past Events

OCF Virtual Fall 2021 Annual Members Meeting

The first day of this OCF Virtual Members Meeting is open to the public. Join to hear the latest updates and see exciting demos! The session will be held 6:00-9:00am PDT on Monday, October 18, 2021. Contact [email protected] for details on how to join. The various OCF Work Groups and Steering Committees are scheduled to meet October 19-21 and these ... [Read More...]

OCF Virtual Technology Face-to-Face Meeting

OCF Members Meeting (Virtual). This is an OCF members-only Members Meeting. The various Work Groups and Steering Committees are scheduled to meet. Members should refer to the members-only website for event logistics.

Embedded IoT World – Virtual

Embedded IoT World, April 28 – 29, is designed for developers, architects, engineers, and technicians building end-to-end IoT solutions. Join technical workshops and roundtables covering key topics: AI & ML, Security, Edge Computing, Industrial IoT, Connectivity, and Processors/Enablement. Learn more by visiting the Embedded IoT World website.